Wisconsin Badgers Bars
Below is an easy to find directory of Wisconsin Badgers bars that will show the Wisconsin Badgers games on their big screens with sound for those fans living away from Madison and Wisconsin.
We will update this list as we add more Wisconsin Badgers bars to our data base. If we do not have a Wisconsin Badgers bar listed, please let us know via our Submit a Team Bar page and we will add it to our database as soon as possible. Our staff will ensure the accuracy and validate that each submission is truly a Wisconsin Badgers team bar.
In some cases, cities and regions will have multiple Wisconsin Badgers watch party spots. Click into each location to see which one is closest to you or would be most family friendly if underage Wisconsin Badgers fans are attending. Some locations are strictly 21 and over and children are not allowed.
Make sure to contact the location prior to your arrival to make sure they are in fact, a Wisconsin Badgers watch party bar. The bar and restaurant industry can be very volatile and establishments will close or go out of business suddenly and without notice. Also, fan and alumni groups are known to switch locations from season to season based on which locations offer additional amenities such as food and drink specials, playing the fight song after each score, opening early or staying open late for a particular team’s game, etc.
(Wisconsin Badgers team bars are listed alphabetically by country, state and then by city/region)
United States
Bay Area